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Saving 10 hours of B2B prospecting work per week: it's possible

Prospecting: save 10 hours of work per week

Who hasn't dreamt of a job where you only work on what you love? In which you could focus only on the tasks that really matter and create value? Those of you who have read "The 4-hour week" by Tim Ferriss will immediately know what I'm talking about: optimizing your working time in order to focus only on the essentials.

Today, Dropcontact does it for you!

Interactions between people have never been so immediate. Communication means and tools are more numerous than ever. Yet, the data quality remains very poor.

This is a real "pain" in B2B, whether in your CRM, or on the sales representatives' phones: it does not allow you to contact your prospects/leads/customers in good conditions.

This enormous and recurring waste of time has a toxic effect: it has a considerable impact on the work of the sales and marketing teams. In reality, you could save 10 hours of work every week!

I draw this conviction from my professional background and my "bitter experiences" on contact files that made me lose a considerable amount of time. Time at work and nights, weekends, spent on what may seem like details but currently is a massive loss of earnings for companies.

We have decided to tackle this problem, so that nobody has to waste time on contact data anymore.

Prospects/leads/customers: the backbone of marketing and sales

Raw material, foundation, starting point... That's what you have to keep in mind when you talk about contacts. All sales and marketing actions are based on it because you can only establish a customer relationship if there is a customer to talk to. Clever 😉

Prospects/leads/customers: the backbone of marketing and sales

This information, scattered in the various contact tools, from Outlook to Salesforce, is incomplete, sometimes false, and often unconsolidated via your iPhone. You cannot correctly exploit all of this data.

How can you personalize your customer relationship, engage in straightforward communication, if a first name is not correctly written, if you want to start a message without knowing the gender of your prospect or if the pro email address is missing?

A subject that may seem as anecdotal as it is obvious, but which poses many problems for companies who discover the level of quality of their data on the eve of launching a significant data or e-commerce project, forcing them to postpone their plans.
Bertrand Dupperrin Head of Employee and Client Experience

The concern is that with the multiplication of tools, information is increasingly fragmented.

However, no business can live without a solid foundation. "No stone, no building. No building, no palace. No palace... no palace."

The following principle appears: the shit in / shit out 💩. If your information is of low quality, all the actions based on it will suffer.

An article by David Coerchon on Alliancy.fr confirms that:

What is the risk for the company? Not only does this erroneous, incomplete or duplicated master data injected into the information system generate non-quality, but it also requires time and resources to identify and correct it. It's like a button cell battery, which alone can pollute a river for years.

While no one wants to waste time on low-quality data - work that is not rewarding and repetitive - salespeople are forced to do it. They do it so much that they lose a quarter of their time looking for and correcting inaccurate information! 😲

After this observation, there are two options: one is being aware of it, but postponing the work due to lack of time or will, or reacting by looking for additional solutions but without solving the problem at the source.

Current solutions do not solve the problem at the source.

Many solutions on the market address specific parts of the problem, but none address the entire issue.

They can even add false information to data that has been verified. Once melted into the mass, it's hell to differentiate it or choose what to keep. There's nothing more frustrating than seeing such work so unnecessarily wasted.

1. Synchronization

To join your valuable data from scattered contacts, some solutions synchronize them between different applications. When the original data is of poor quality, it is the same data that will contaminate your CRM! By solving scattered information problems, you infect all the bad quality databases and generate many duplicates.

today no solution solves all data quality problems!

2. Enrichment

If you thought you were doing the right thing by adding to your contact information, you find yourself faced with duplicate records for the same person.
Some solutions allow you to enrich from an email signature, to import your LinkedIn relationships... you then find yourself with more information but also more duplicates... 👎

3. Fusion‍

There are a few solutions that identify duplicates. But once identified, how do you know what information to keep or which phone number to choose? Which email? Which one is up to date?
Unless you spend a considerable amount of time checking each piece of information (which nobody does) or choose information randomly (which is problematic), this work is doomed to failure.

Even more so, the merging of contacts is in fact much more complicated than it seems: how do you gather the information of the same contact, present in several places when there is no common information between the different records? 🤔 For example: a phone number alone on your smartphone and the name and email in your CRM.

This merger is essential because your prospect is indeed unique.
Currently, it is simply impossible to achieve such a merger... or is it...

4. Email address

Missing or false business addresses degrade your chances of reaching your prospects. You waste your time searching for information, and you lose business opportunities...

When an email address is wrong, either the lead/prospect is abandoned, or the salesperson will waste a lot of time trying to find it with little chance of success.

All of these missed business actions are piling up and creating a real financial shortfall.

The most frustrating part? Some prospects lost in this way could have become quality customers, but you'll never know!

Solutions to verify email addresses exist but still have error rates of 15 to 25%. When an email address is false, it is the reputation of your domain that is degraded. The consequence: your emails are increasingly considered as spam or promotional.

To be sure to reach your prospects with a good opening rate and without damaging the reputation of your email domain, it is necessary to have the pro nominative email of your contacts, for example first.name@companyname.com .

reputation of your email domain

In short, you will always manage to solve parts of the problem while generating a mountain of others next to it. These tools are also intended for an insider audience and always require manual intervention. Until now, however, SMEs have been at a loss when large companies have "expertise" that is actually very expensive.

Rediscovered business opportunities and much more!

Today, the good news is that it is possible to use more or less intelligent solutions in order to do what would have meant for a human to scoop the Atlantic Ocean with a teaspoon.
Bertrand Dupperrin

I couldn't agree more. It's even the reason why we created Dropcontact. Automating a problem that results in lost time and missed business opportunities.

The solution developed by Dropcontact :

  • Corrects erroneous information
  • Checks the email addresses validity with an error rate of less than 10%.
  • Merges duplicates
  • Enriches contact and company data
  • Gathers your scattered contact data

And all that automatically!

In short, clean, correct and merge your contacts automatically to save you 10 hours of work per week. 😎

"Available human brain time" to use the phrase that caused a scandal? More or less.
It's all about simply giving sales and marketing teams more time so that they can finally concentrate on tasks with real added value, thanks to reliable and up-to-date information.

The future of your contacts has to look like that. It's already started and it's just waiting for you: Dropcontact 💥

Most frequently asked questions

What are Dropcontact's main features?

Dropcontact corrects wrong information, verifies the validity of email addresses with an error rate of less than 1%, merges duplicates, enriches contact and company data, and gathers all of your scattered data.

What happens when I have bad data quality?

Having bad data quality will make you lose time. This will in the end impact the work of your sales and marketing teams. About 10 hours of work could be saved each week with better data quality.

What's the main issue of data management?

As there are more and more tools on the market, information is increasingly fragmented (stored on Outlook, Salesforce, iPhone, etc.) This scattered information is often incomplete, sometimes incorrect, sometimes wrong, or without proper verification. In that case, they can't really be used.
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